
My name is Michael Deeb and I'm a web developer in San Francisco, CA.
Over the years, this website has provided me with a personal project/playground to try out various web technologies (currently React)
Most of what I write here is to try and help my future self remember how a particular problem was solved or how something works. There is an added bonus that what I write here may help someone else solve a similar problem.
My first experience with web development was designing a single page for a video game, which I did in Internet Explorer. I was so happy with what I had come up with and tried to show my friend on his Mac and that's when I discovered cross-browser compatibility.
Recent Posts
Best of Beats 1 Week 1
2015-07-07T09:41:00.000ZApple Music has now been available for one week and Beats 1 has 168 hours of content under its belt. Apple Music definitely isn’t perfect, but it’s solving my problem of having to switch between various music applications to play certain songs. Beats 1 is also proving to be very helpful because it gives me something to listen to when I’m sick of…
What WordPress Taught Me About Jekyll
2015-07-02 09:41:00-7:00When I first decided to put add a blog to my website, I ran straight to WordPress.org and jumped through all the necessary hoops I needed to get it up and running. WordPress is an amazing tool, but my needs were much too simplistic. Soon I started thinking that the full-featured tool was actually getting in the way of me putting out content…
Post Read Times and Jekyll
2014-05-22 09:41:00-7:00It’s safe to say that the folks at Medium have done a superb job designing their platform and many people across the Internet are looking to borrow bits and pieces of their look. Aside from the Parallax-esque effect on their hero image, the other small detail that caught my attention was their reading length estimates on every article. In the…